The holiday shopping season has begun and you may see a rise in credit card declines. This time of year credit card companies step up their fraud watch and will auto decline a purchase if they feel it is possible fraud. Web-Tokens is listed as an “On Line” company and many credit card companies view online companies as a higher risk for fraud. When you process a charge and it is declined and the client doesn’t understand why and claims the card is in good standing, all your client has to do is call the customer service number on the back of his credit card and tell then that he is trying to make an online purchase with They will then release the block and you should be able to process the charge. All the credit card company wants is a verbal from that card holder that the charge is valid.
Gift Cards are somewhat different as they usually have to be registered after purchased before they can be used to make an online purchase. This can be done online or by calling the customer service # on the back of the card. It’s all in the fine print of the gift cards instructions. So if you get a decline on a gift card, have the client call the customer service number on the back of the card and tell them that they are trying to make an online purchase with and they will clear it so you can process the transaction.
Happy Holidays